How to Create a New Table Containing All Unique Strings Extracted from JSON Arrays in the Column of Another Table. SQL
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How to Create a New Table Containing All Unique Strings Extracted from JSON Arrays in the Column of Another Table. SQL

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Welcome to this comprehensive guide on extracting unique strings from JSON arrays in a table column and creating a new table containing those strings. If you’re working with JSON data in SQL, you know how crucial it is to manipulate and extract meaningful information from it. In this article, we’ll walk you through a step-by-step process to achieve this task.

Understanding the Problem

Imagine you have a table named “users” with a column “interests” containing JSON arrays of strings. The table looks like this:

id name interests
1 John [“reading”, “writing”, “gaming”]
2 Jane [“reading”, “cooking”, “traveling”]
3 Bob [“gaming”, “coding”, “reading”]

Your goal is to create a new table containing all unique interests extracted from the “interests” column. Sounds challenging? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

Step 1: Prepare Your SQL Environment

Before diving into the solution, make sure you have a SQL environment set up with a database management system like MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQL Server. Create a new database and a table named “users” with the “interests” column having a JSON data type.

USE mydatabase;

  id INT,
  name VARCHAR(50),
  interests JSON

INSERT INTO users (id, name, interests)
  (1, 'John', '["reading", "writing", "gaming"]'),
  (2, 'Jane', '["reading", "cooking", "traveling"]'),
  (3, 'Bob', '["gaming", "coding", "reading"]');

Step 2: Extract Unique Interests Using JSON Functions

In this step, we’ll use JSON functions to extract unique interests from the “interests” column. We’ll use the `JSON_EXTRACT` function to extract individual interests from the JSON array and the `DISTINCT` keyword to remove duplicates.

SELECT DISTINCT JSON_EXTRACT(interests, '$[0]') AS interest
FROM users
SELECT DISTINCT JSON_EXTRACT(interests, '$[1]') AS interest
FROM users
SELECT DISTINCT JSON_EXTRACT(interests, '$[2]') AS interest
FROM users;

This query extracts the first, second, and third elements of the JSON array using the `JSON_EXTRACT` function. The `UNION ALL` operator is used to combine the results of each query. The `DISTINCT` keyword removes duplicates, leaving us with a list of unique interests.

Step 3: Create a New Table with Unique Interests

Now that we have a list of unique interests, we can create a new table to store them. We’ll create a table named “interests” with a single column “name” to hold the unique interests.

CREATE TABLE interests (

Insert the unique interests into the new table using the following query:

INSERT INTO interests (name)
SELECT DISTINCT JSON_EXTRACT(interests, '$[0]') AS interest
FROM users
SELECT DISTINCT JSON_EXTRACT(interests, '$[1]') AS interest
FROM users
SELECT DISTINCT JSON_EXTRACT(interests, '$[2]') AS interest
FROM users;

This query inserts the unique interests into the “interests” table.

Step 4: Optimize the Query for Larger Datasets

The previous query works well for small to medium-sized datasets. However, for larger datasets, it may become inefficient. To optimize the query, we can use a combination of `JSON_AGG` and `JSON_TABLE` functions.

WITH json_data AS (
  SELECT JSON_AGG(interests) AS json_array
  FROM users
FROM json_data
CROSS JOIN JSON_TABLE(json_array, '$[*]' COLUMNS (interest VARCHAR(50) PATH '$')) AS jt
ORDER BY interest;

This query uses `JSON_AGG` to aggregate the JSON arrays into a single array. Then, it uses `JSON_TABLE` to extract individual interests from the array. The `CROSS JOIN` operator is used to combine the results. Finally, the `DISTINCT` keyword removes duplicates, and the results are sorted by interest.


In this article, we’ve demonstrated a step-by-step process to create a new table containing all unique strings extracted from JSON arrays in the column of another table. We’ve covered the basics of JSON functions in SQL and optimized the query for larger datasets.

By following these instructions, you should be able to extract meaningful information from your JSON data and create a new table with unique interests. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask in the comments below.


  • What is JSON in SQL? JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a data format used to store and exchange data between web servers, web applications, and mobile apps. In SQL, JSON is used to store semi-structured data in a single column.
  • How do I extract data from a JSON column in SQL? You can use JSON functions like `JSON_EXTRACT`, `JSON_AGG`, and `JSON_TABLE` to extract data from a JSON column in SQL.
  • What is the difference between `JSON_EXTRACT` and `JSON_TABLE`? `JSON_EXTRACT` is used to extract a specific value from a JSON object or array, while `JSON_TABLE` is used to extract multiple values from a JSON array or object.

Note: The article is optimized for the keyword “How to create a new table containing all unique strings extracted from JSON arrays in the column of another table. SQL” and includes relevant subheadings, tags, and formatting to make it SEO-friendly.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to dive into the world of SQL and JSON arrays! Here are some frequently asked questions on how to create a new table containing all unique strings extracted from JSON arrays in the column of another table.

What is the best way to extract unique strings from a JSON array column in SQL?

One effective way is to use a combination of JSON_EXTRACT and GROUP_CONCAT functions. This approach allows you to extract the JSON array values and then concatenate them into a single string, removing duplicates in the process.

How do I create a new table with unique strings from a JSON array column?

You can use a SELECT DISTINCT statement to create a new table with unique strings from the JSON array column. For example: `CREATE TABLE new_table AS SELECT DISTINCT json_extract(json_column, ‘$[*]’) AS unique_strings FROM original_table;` This will create a new table with a single column containing all unique strings extracted from the JSON array column.

How do I handle nested JSON arrays in this process?

To handle nested JSON arrays, you can use a recursive approach. You can create a recursive common table expression (CTE) to extract the nested JSON arrays and then use the JSON_EXTRACT function to extract the values.

What if I have multiple columns with JSON arrays in the original table?

No problem! You can use the UNION ALL operator to combine the results from multiple columns. For example: `CREATE TABLE new_table AS SELECT DISTINCT json_extract(json_column1, ‘$[*]’) AS unique_strings FROM original_table UNION ALL SELECT DISTINCT json_extract(json_column2, ‘$[*]’) AS unique_strings FROM original_table;` This will create a new table with unique strings from both JSON array columns.

How do I optimize the performance of this query?

To optimize the performance, make sure to index the JSON array column and use efficient JSON extraction functions. Additionally, consider using parallel processing or data partitioning to speed up the query. You can also use query optimization techniques like rewriting the query or using temporary tables to improve performance.