Firebase Realtime Database: Mastering the Elusive “Like” Query of Nested Objects
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Firebase Realtime Database: Mastering the Elusive “Like” Query of Nested Objects

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Are you tired of struggling to retrieve specific data from your Firebase Realtime Database? Do you find yourself wishing for a “like” query that can dig deep into nested objects and retrieve the exact data you need? Well, buckle up, fellow developer, because today we’re about to dive into the world of Firebase Realtime Database queries and uncover the secrets of nested object querying!

Understanding Firebase Realtime Database Queries

Before we dive into the “like” query of nested objects, let’s take a step back and review the basics of Firebase Realtime Database queries. In Firebase, you can retrieve data using three types of queries:

  • equals(): Retrieves data that matches a specific value.
  • orderBy*: Retrieves data sorted by a specific field (e.g., orderByChild(), orderByKey(), etc.).
  • limit*: Retrieves a limited number of records.

These queries can be combined to create more complex queries, but what about when you need to search for a specific value within a nested object? That’s where the “like” query comes in.

The Elusive “Like” Query

The “like” query, also known as the “contains” query, is a query that searches for a specific value within a string. In Firebase Realtime Database, you can use the orderByValue() method to create a “like” query, but what about when the value you’re searching for is nested within an object?

Let’s consider an example. Suppose you have a Firebase Realtime Database structured like this:

  "users": {
    "uid1": {
      "name": "John Doe",
      "address": {
        "street": "123 Main St",
        "city": "Anytown",
        "state": "CA",
        "zip": "12345"
    "uid2": {
      "name": "Jane Doe",
      "address": {
        "street": "456 Elm St",
        "city": "Othertown",
        "state": "NY",
        "zip": "67890"

You want to retrieve all users who live in California (i.e., those with an “address.state” value of “CA”). Sounds simple, right? But how do you create a “like” query to achieve this?

The Solution: Using Firebase Realtime Database Queries with Nested Objects

The key to creating a “like” query for nested objects is to use Firebase Realtime Database’s orderByValue() method in combination with the equalTo() method. Here’s how you can do it:

const database = firebase.database();
const ref = database.ref('users');

ref.orderByChild('address/state').equalTo('CA').on('value', (snapshot) => {

In this example, we’re using the orderByChild() method to specify the path to the nested object we want to search within (in this case, “address/state”). We then use the equalTo() method to specify the value we’re searching for (“CA”). Finally, we use the on('value') method to retrieve the data.

By combining these two methods, Firebase Realtime Database will retrieve all users who have an “address.state” value of “CA”. Magic, right?

Tips and Variations

Now that you’ve mastered the basics of the “like” query for nested objects, let’s explore some tips and variations to take your Firebase Realtime Database queries to the next level.

Using startsWith()

Sometimes, you might want to search for a value that starts with a specific string. For example, you might want to retrieve all users who live in cities that start with “Any”. You can do this by using the startsWith() method:

ref.orderByChild('address/city').startsWith('Any').on('value', (snapshot) => {

Using endsWith()

You can also use the endsWith() method to search for values that end with a specific string. For example, you might want to retrieve all users who have an email address that ends with “”.

ref.orderByChild('email').endsWith('').on('value', (snapshot) => {

Using Multiple Queries

Sometimes, you might need to combine multiple queries to retrieve specific data. Firebase Realtime Database allows you to chain multiple queries together using the and() method. For example, you might want to retrieve all users who live in California and have an email address that ends with “”.

ref.orderByChild('address/state').equalTo('CA').and(ref.orderByChild('email').endsWith('')).on('value', (snapshot) => {

Best Practices and Limitations

When using Firebase Realtime Database queries with nested objects, keep the following best practices and limitations in mind:

  • Use indexes: Firebase Realtime Database can become slow if you have a large dataset and don’t use indexes. Make sure to create indexes for the fields you’re querying on.
  • Avoid deep nesting: Firebase Realtime Database has a limit on the depth of nesting (32 levels). Avoid using overly complex data structures.
  • Use query limits: Firebase Realtime Database has a limit on the number of records returned by a query (1,000 records). Use query limits to paginate your data.
  • Optimize your data structure: Firebase Realtime Database is optimized for fast reads and writes. Optimize your data structure to reduce the number of reads and writes.


In this article, we’ve explored the world of Firebase Realtime Database queries, including the elusive “like” query of nested objects. By mastering this query, you can unlock the full potential of Firebase Realtime Database and retrieve specific data with ease.

Remember to keep your data structure optimized, use indexes, and avoid deep nesting to ensure fast and efficient queries. With practice and patience, you’ll become a Firebase Realtime Database query master in no time!

Query Type Method Example
Equals equals() ref.orderByChild('name').equals('John Doe').on('value', (snapshot) => { ... });
Like orderByChild() + equalTo() ref.orderByChild('address/state').equalTo('CA').on('value', (snapshot) => { ... });
Starts With startsWith() ref.orderByChild('address/city').startsWith('Any').on('value', (snapshot) => { ... });
Ends With endsWith() ref.orderByChild('email').endsWith('').on('value', (snapshot) => { ... });

Happy querying!

Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to the most frequently asked questions about Firebase Realtime Database “like” query of nested objects!

Can I use a “like” query in Firebase Realtime Database to search for nested objects?

Unfortunately, Firebase Realtime Database does not support “like” queries for nested objects. You can only query by exact matches or ranges of values. However, you can use Firebase Firestore, which supports more advanced querying capabilities, including querying by nested objects.

How can I search for a nested object in Firebase Realtime Database without a “like” query?

One way to search for a nested object is to use a parallel data structure, such as an index or a separate node that contains the values you want to search for. You can then query this parallel data structure to find the matching nested objects.

Can I use a third-party library to implement a “like” query in Firebase Realtime Database?

Yes, there are third-party libraries available that provide advanced querying capabilities, including “like” queries, for Firebase Realtime Database. However, keep in mind that these libraries may have performance and scalability limitations, and may not be officially supported by Firebase.

What is the best practice for structuring my data in Firebase Realtime Database to enable efficient querying?

The best practice is to use a flat data structure, where each node has a unique key and contains only the data that is relevant to that node. This makes it easier to query and retrieve specific data. Avoid deep nesting and use separate nodes for related data.

Is Firebase Firestore a better choice than Firebase Realtime Database for querying nested objects?

Yes, Firebase Firestore is a better choice than Firebase Realtime Database for querying nested objects. Firestore supports more advanced querying capabilities, including querying by nested objects, and has better performance and scalability characteristics.

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